
Posts Tagged ‘HUNGER’

shocking truth

June 3, 2009 1 comment

This video brings out shocking but bare truth.
Where on one side the world is developing and prospering and he other world people living in such harsh conditions.
So I am thoughtless about the possible solution for the problem, giving our views on the problem is of no use when we cant come with a solution. People are dying every minute, if as a fellow humans we couldn’t come with an appropriate solution it’s a shame on us. On our humanity
So next time
When u waste food….
When u waste energy …
When u squander money…
When u waste even your time …
Remind your self that each of this can be utilized to make this world much better
The food you waste can be used to feed others .
The energy you waste can be used to help out others.
The money we waste can be used for the upliftment of others .
And finally the time u waste can be used to bring out a feasible solution .

so lets do it….

Categories: social, YOUTH Tags: