
Posts Tagged ‘handling emotions’

Emotional learning

August 3, 2012 Leave a comment

Learning never ends … It continues forever …

How to get control of your emotions, how to channelise your emotional energy.
What to prioritize, when to step down, whom to allow in your inner space.
Resolving all these and many more dilemmas are part of our emotional maturity.
Now answer for these might vary from person to person depending on their own experience, values and philosophy.

What I am trying to find or is searching for is there a common generalization or better put an empirical formula which can be applied to life to make it more stress free. Relieving one from the emotional n mental shackles created by our mind about the emotional bondage.

How can a person be in this world, live laugh dance and still be completely detached to the people around him.

How can one achieve that state of mind where the pity success and loss, friends and foes, happiness and sorrow become nothing bt a play of a child.

Once that state is achieved that is what I will call as emotional maturity.

Amma says “only he can love truly one who is completely detached”

I think I kinda gtta answer to this
We have to get attached to one supreme Almighty lord of all … Cos once we experience his grace we will not be able to get attached to anything worldly knowing the fact that only He is eternal.

Swami Purnamritananda Puri has citied an example of a child s detached love, he says A child sees no evil for there s nothing but goodness in its mind. Its mind is filled with the thoughts of its mother. Its world is its mother; its faith is in its mother. The words of others cannot rob its faith because it has experienced the love embodied by its mother. It is not interested in any1 else. If it doesn’t see its mother it will cry. That is the only language it knows.

Do we cry for the supreme love, if we can cry for it then we need nothing else to protect ourselves from the worldly miseries.

Cos the Almighty mother will come to the rescue at once…
Mother how can she stay away from her crying baby How ??
And Almighty lord is the mother of all infinite mothers…
With heart brimming from the love for its children how can the Divine Mother stay away…
She is here just a call away …
Shivoham Shivoham …